Let’s use mobile networks responsibly

In the fight against the coronavirus, during the state of alarm and quarantine, networks have become the fundamental pillar of society: leisure, communication…

Thus, traffic through IP networks has increased by nearly 40% while mobile phone use has increased by around 50% in calls and 25% in data usage.

Therefore, it is convenient to make rational and responsible useage of mobile networks so that they can be reserved for emergency services, health services, police, etc. for who it is now essential.

How could we collaborate in responsible use?

It is very simple. Here at Telfy we have some ideas for you:

  • If you are going to use the internet for entertainment (watching movies, playing online games, etc.) use the home network and not the mobile data network, which is the type of connection that the emergency services are going to require.
  • Use your landline phone instead of your mobile phone to make calls when possible.

Let’s all work together to use it responsibly!


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